Stubborn Perseverance is a “how to” manual written as the captivating story—based on real events—of a movement of multiplying disciples. It illustrates and details biblical principles by which YOU can pursue God for a disciple-making movement in your own context.
Stubborn Perseverance isn’t just a manual, it’s a record of the inner workings of a real church-planting movement that invites readers to join the exciting adventure of launching such movements. —David Garrison, A Wind in the House of Islam
I’ve read Contagious Disciple-Making, Miraculous Movements, and Wind in the House of Islam, and trained in Any-3 and Camel Method (all great!). Stubborn Perseverance distills them into the manual I want for our team. —K.D., field team leader in SE Asia
Stubborn Perseverance is inspiring, and the questions following each chapter are a team training treasure trove. This is a book I will buy by the case! —Roy Moran, Spent Matches: Igniting the Signal Fire for the Spiritually Dissatisfied